A place to share proper fitness and nutrition tips and knowledge. Don’t worry, they are all in layman terms for simple reading. Hope you can find something that benefits your health here!
5 Tips to Counter Burnout
Have you ever sat on a corner and felt like there’s too much to do with so-little time? Or have you ever experienced being so drained you have no more energy to spend time with family or friends? These are just some of the common signs of burnout. Continue reading to find out more.
5 Reasons to Improve Your Employees’ Sleep
Are you one of those people who does not have a work-life balance? Being hardworking is admirable, but you must also allow adequate and quality rest time in order to function at your best during working hours. In the article we just published, we are sharing with you how sleep influences your performance in 5 ways.
8 Tips to Relieve Stress at Work
Don't let your stress fester any longer! Stress can have a negative impact on both your physical and emotional health, but there are ways to prevent and relieve it. Try these 8 stress-relieving tips and see if they work for you!
How to Implement Mental Health Support at Your Workplace?
Looking for ideas for corporate wellness programs? Learn what are the best ways to support your staff wellbeing through employee wellness programs that focus on mental health at the workplace. Provide your employees with the opportunity to work in a positive environment and happier workplace that enables them to showcase their fullest potential.
How Poor Mental Health Affects Your Business?
Surveys have shown that Singapore, along with the UK, has the most unhappy workers in the world which is correlated to the employees' mental health. So, what is the impact if this continues? Drop-in employees' productivity, burnout, fatigue, absenteeism, even anxiety which could heavily impact any business. Read more to find out!
The Benefits Of Mindfulness On Our Emotions
Mindfulness is actually simpler than what we think it is. It is the practice of being completely aware of whatever is happening in the current moment, without judgement. To be mindful, all you have to do is to slow down, focus on a single task, and notice what is happening around you mentally and physically.
5 Habits To Kickstart A Healthy Lifestyle
Learn 5 EASY TO IMPLEMENT habits into your daily routine to kick start a healthier lifestyle. It’s really not that hard if you are ready to do something about it!