3 Obstacles In Sustaining A New Fitness Lifestyle

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We have entered a new year. Most of us would have set new goals and resolutions but as we all know, suddenly switching up our routine can be hard for us to sustain. Changes are daunting and anyone who has made the adaptations to a structured routine or lifestyle would be able to tell you that without much reservation. This article serves to help understand better how to deal with that.

1. Social life

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Although not a dilemma, it is easy to tip the balance with too much partying or drinks over the weekend. Time not spent in the gym and frequently eating out might distort your goals. Friends may also call you out on it and not take well to your new lifestyle.


(a) Finding a group of like-minded individuals, like SGFITFAM! Communities foster friendships beyond interests and maintain the longevity of fitness pursuits. Join our community on Telegram or follow our social media (Facebook & Instagram) to be updated on our community events!

(b) Friendly competition between friends. Instead of watching sports, play it together! Have fun weight-loss challenges between peers and motivate each other from within.

(c) Posting up your progress online as a statement. Nothing places hopes and idealisation up higher than manifesting thoughts into progress!

2. Injuries

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As a personal trainer of 5 years and being a regular gym-goer myself, I have witnessed countless rotator cuff injuries from bench pressing or lower-back sprains from deadlifts. The lion’s share of these cases was due to suspect form and overreaching, mostly in beginner to intermediate lifters.


(a) Hire a PT. Not to toot my own horn or anything but there are certain reasons why being a personal trainer is still highly demanded in today’s markets. Free-weight lifts show to be the most injury-inducing according to a study done by Gray & Finch (2015). Getting someone to teach you the ropes and spot your repetitions would be the best bet in staying injury-free.

(b) FREE informative channels (YouTube/Instagram). Fitness does not have to be dull and textbook, some YouTubers out there make things entertaining and informative within a reasonable timespan of your day! Recommended Instagram accounts to follow: @moveu, @achievefitnessboston, & @theprehabguys.

(c) The most common reason for injuries is due to overexertion. This could add to form breakdown from ego-lifting. It is understandable how one would want to maximise progress by adding weights onto the bar in the shortest amount of time possible. However, the most optimal is actually the one that allows you to remain in the gym the longest without causing disruptions to regular training regimes. There is no good being hospitalised or being forced to lay off training for rehabilitation. Solution? Reduce the weights.

3. Family dinners

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Definitely the most demotivating backlash commonly heard from dietary changes. Not being able to eat the same dishes as your family and making your own prepped meals may seem segratory, especially in an Asian household. Mums may wonder if it’s the quality of her cooking, or grow annoyed in the uncertain quantity she has to cook for the family with the change. Family members tease you or gaslight your efforts, eating out offers not many viable options and when you do give in, you think of ALL the wasted efforts working out in the gym. Stress.


(a) Explaining to your family in detail: the purpose, duration, etc. This would enable them to understand the new goals you have set for yourself and smoothen the transition

(b) Going grocery shopping together: Going to NTUC with family lets them in your new world of restrictions and new food preferences.

(c) Cook for your family. Let your family taste that healthy food can still be yummy so that they can be encouraged to join in.

Support from family and friends show to be a good indicator and maintainer of adopting healthy lifestyles (Morrissey et al., 2015). This, alongside good lifting habits, would allow these obstacles to then become boosters in your new fitness journey. I wish you all the best and a happy new year!

Need help? Achieve sustainable fitness with sustainable results at SgFitFam

This article is written and contributed to SgFitFam by freelance writer, Niklaus Quek. He is currently a student physiotherapist, ACE Personal trainer (2016), HFE Pilates instructor (2020), and SWF Olympic Weightlifting Coach Level 1 (2014).

Edited by the SgFitFam Team.


Gray, S. E., & Finch, C. F. (2015). The causes of injuries sustained at fitness facilities presenting to Victorian emergency departments - identifying the main culprits. Injury Epidemiology, 2(1), 6. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40621-015-0037-4

Morrissey, J.L., Janz, K.F., Letuchy, E.M., et al.  (2015). The effect of family and friend support on physical activity through adolescence: a longitudinal study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 12, 103. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-015-0265-6


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