Mindfulness at work place.
We have more than 15 mental wellness talks for your corporate wellness program. If there are any activities you have in mind but are not in this list or have any requests to suit your company’s needs, contact us so we can assist you to the best of our abilities.
Dealing with changes and uncertainty
The COVID-19 health pandemic has resulted in numerous disruptions to our lives and the way we work. While governments and health agencies are learning how to cope and manage effectively, companies are eager to restart to ensure the survivability of their respective businesses.
Change is constant and change brings opportunity. Organisations that stand out from their competitors are often those that adapt well to changing times. For your organisation to be a driving force for change, how can your employees better cope with these uncertainties?
How can we prepare ourselves psychologically and emotionally as we grapple with the new realities amidst the nagging feelings of anxiety which can affect employee well-being and job performance? Prepare and equip yourself with the essential skills needed to not just survive but thrive in the new normal.
Restart To Win: Getting Back To Work Effectively
Resilience: Managing Change With Optimism
Conquer Uncertainty: Effective Strategies to Tackle Anxiety
Mental Health Matters: Fostering Awareness and Understanding
Stress management
Stress is a common human response and emotion, and everyone has experienced stress to different degrees. These range from mild anxiety to extreme phobia. The emotion of stress is neither good nor bad. It is perfectly normal to experience it when people feel mistreated or wronged.
What is important is how we deal with it. Uncontrolled stress of any quality possesses very destructive and negative consequences to both self and others. It affects personal relationships and one’s quality of life. Come and learn the dynamics of anger, the skills to manage your emotions, and ways to help others manage their emotions.
Master Your Emotions: Techniques to Stay Cool, Calm, and Collected
Cultivating A Healthy Mind
Converting Stress To Success
Unlocking the Power of Emotional Intelligence
Don’t worry be happy
People from around the world revealed that they consider happiness and life satisfaction to be extremely important, even more, important than money. They are certainly not alone as these views are shared with a growing number of people looking for happiness in life and at work. Yet, most working adults in Singapore report not having positive experiences at work.
Since adults spend a significant amount of time working, experience at work can and will influence the quality of life and well-being of the individual. What exactly is happiness, and can it be increased at work and in life? Join us to find out more about the myths of happiness and ways to make yourself and others happier at work.
Finding Happiness From Within
Experiencing Positive Emotions: Laughter Therapy
Sleep Right, Live Bright
Effective communication
With the dynamic changes of the Global Pandemic, work structures are rapidly changing, regardless of whether companies or leaders are equipped with skills to adapt and cope with the changes. Managing remote teams is becoming the new norm right now, and not all leaders are equipped in this area.
What are the dynamics of effective teams? How to manage expectations and work performance when there is no facetime? This webinar focuses on providing leaders with the psychology of team dynamics and provides practical tactics to lead remote teams working from home effectively.
Managing Conflicts Effectively
My Safe Space: Building a Culture of Trust and Support
My Safe Space: Building a Culture of Trust and Support
United We Thrive: Building a Productive Workplace Through Equality and Respect

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Speak to us.
Demo Video
Mental Wellness - Converting Stress to Success
Mental Wellness - Boosting Psychological Immunity
Mental Wellness - Laughter Therapy
Secrets to Build Positive Relationships
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Whatever questions you may have, our friendly and approachable team will be more than happy to talk to you.
You can reach us by filling out the form (1-2 working days) or chat with us by clicking on the WhatsApp icon on the bottom right corner.